Despite working with hundreds of clients on every conceivable communications issue, our experience is that just two categories define the clients who retain our services: “The Reactors” and “The Visionaries.”

Reactors are the most common; probably 65% of our client base comprises this group. Their decision to seek outside communications is typically due to an adverse event, reputational attack, or threat. They seek help during or after a narrative has been established, and an adversary has already defined them. They are often desperate for assistance.

Reactors come in all forms — Fortune 500 companies, trade associations, family businesses, government agencies, celebrities, and non-profits. Some are blindsided by an issue, like a lawsuit or regulatory attack. Or they have dismissed warning signs until a problem has become too big to ignore.

On the other hand, visionaries tend to be the clients aware of a gathering storm and have decided to prepare for it through a proactive communications program.

Visionaries also have the time and luxury to build their reputations through a systematic approach that seizes opportunities to neutralize problems and develop crucial relationships with lawmakers, regulators, media, community leaders, employees, customers, and other key audiences.

Reactors suffer from human nature –they want to put off difficult decisions, avoid expenses, and hope things will change. We understand this, but in the end, Reactors can spend more money and experience more damage with this approach.

Visionaries enjoy the freedom and power to take more control over their communications to better defend and promote their operations in a way that helps inoculate themselves from controversy and attacks on social media from activists and regulators. It also can advance business objectives by building a trusted brand and reputation.

When considering hiring a Public Affairs Agency, you must know which category you fit. Are you a Reactor or Visionary?