Part 2 of 2

Bridging phrases are invaluable tools for maintaining control of the narrative during interviews and ensuring your key messages are effectively communicated. These phrases help you smoothly transition from a reporter’s question or a potentially distracting topic to the points you want to emphasize. 

By using statements like “The important thing to keep in mind is…” or “The bottom line is…,” you can steer the conversation towards your main messages and keep the focus on what truly matters. 

The following list of bridging phrases will aid you in reinforcing your narrative and delivering your messages with clarity and confidence.

Bridging Phrases

These bridging phrases can help you smoothly transition to your key messages and maintain control of the narrative during interviews.

  • “The important thing to keep in mind is…”
  • “While that may be true, what is even more critical is…”
  • “Your assumption ignores the fact that…”
  • “The bottom line is… or This comes down to…”
  • “Those are side issues designed to distract attention from what really matters, namely…”
  • “This is a complicated matter that boils down to a few key considerations…”
  • “Not necessarily, don’t forget that…”
  • Setting aside the rhetoric, the fundamental issues are…”
  • “That really needs to be balanced out with an understanding that…”
  • “Any sensible person would realize that …”
  • “Let’s not lose sight of the fact that…”
  • “The key takeaway here is…”
  • “It’s also important to highlight that…”