Creating a well-structured communications plan is not a big secret. Almost all global and small agencies tend to – and should – adhere to a proven formula that will create the foundation you need for success. Here are some critical elements for you to consider – either as you build your in-house communications or seek the guidance of a professional public relations firm.

Situation Analysis and Key Considerations

Initiating a thorough situation analysis provides a comprehensive view of the current landscape, encompassing the opportunities and challenges at hand. Follow this and identify key connections, which act as pillars guiding the plan formulation, based on the insights derived from the analysis.


Establishing clear and measurable objectives is the next pivotal step, setting forth the plan’s goals. This could be enhancing brand visibility, improving stakeholder relations, getting local buy-in for an event or project (see example below), or any other specific milestone pertinent to the organization.

Target Audiences

Identifying and understanding the target audiences is instrumental in tailoring messages that resonate deeply, ensuring that the communications are aligned with the preferences and expectations of the relevant demographic groups.


A well-defined timeframe delineates the duration over which the strategies will be deployed, incorporating milestones that track the initiative’s progress, thus providing a structured pathway to achieve the objectives.

Strategies, Tactics & Action Plan

The strategies are at the heart of the plan — the overarching approaches to meeting the objectives. Following this, tactics and a detailed action plan come into play, defining the specific activities to be undertaken, superimposed over a timeline, thereby offering a visual representation of the roadmap.

Deliverables / Metrics for Success

Each tactic should be paired with clearly defined deliverables, ensuring that every step undertaken has a tangible output, contributing towards meeting the objectives.

Creating a Tiered Approach: Foundational, Execution, and Program Review

An excellent way to think about a communications plan is to break it into three primary categories or phases:

  • Foundational (setting the groundwork)
  • Execution (implementing the plan)
  • Program Review (evaluating progress and outcomes). This should be done at the end of a project and throughout a program to ensure it adapts to variables and remains on course to attain objectives.

Remember, a proven structure is not just a pathway to success but a blueprint for staying on track. Sticking to this systematic and time-honored approach ensures a communications plan that is grounded in research, tailored to the target audience, and mapped out in a way that sets the stage for a coherent, well-orchestrated program that will support the overall goals of your business, trade group, NGO or government agency.