When seeking the services of a PR firm, it is essential to provide relevant information to your potential PR partners. This will help them demonstrate their experience and approach to helping you attain your goals. Here are a few things to remember when requesting a proposal or overview of qualifications:

State Your Needs Clearly

Delineate your objectives, expectations, and the scope of work you envision for the PR firm. It helps potential partners understand what exactly is required of them, facilitating the creation of a targeted and robust proposal. Moreover, it aids firms in offering innovative solutions, showcasing how they can add value to your organization.

Define Your Budget and Timeline

A well-defined budget and timeline act as the scaffolding for a successful PR campaign. Sharing your budgetary constraints enables firms to tailor their strategies to what can be realistically achieved within the allocated funds. It is also advisable to ask firms to provide flexibility in billing – based on different options and scope of work. 

Meanwhile, a clear timeline guides the campaign’s pacing, ensuring that all activities are synchronized harmoniously with your organization’s calendar of events.

Suggested Strategies or Sample Approaches

Insist on receiving suggested strategies or sample approaches. Although it is important to note that a proposal is not a formal communications plan — typically crafted once the firm is under contract — it should provide a glimpse into its strategic thinking and creativity. It aids in gauging the potential synergy between the firm’s approach and your organization’s philosophy.


Inquire about the firm’s bandwidth and staffing. Precisely determine who would work on your account and what they would be responsible for. 

Request Case Studies

A proposal should be backed by case studies of similar projects undertaken by the firm, allowing you to assess their experience and expertise in handling campaigns of your nature. Case studies serve as testimonials of a firm’s capacity to translate strategies into successful outcomes, offering a reliable benchmark for their competency.

Remember that the more specific you can be about your goals, objectives, budget, timeline, etc. – the better your responses will be. Detailed requests help ensure you find a firm that understands your needs and can offer recommendations for innovative strategies and knowledge of how to execute tactical elements. It is also important to realize that the proposal is the stepping stone to a formal communications plan, offering a preliminary insight into a firm’s capabilities and paving the way for a solid partnership.